New Appointments

As of now, NJ has not allowed us to re-open, but when we can, we will be dealing with a surge in demand, reduced mockup time, and restricted scheduling due to post-Coronavirus restrictions. To help expedite that process and get your tattoo project started, we are asking that you please forward your reference materials to your artist and leave a deposit as soon as possible via Vemno, PayPal or Credit Card). Because we're closed, your artist has the time to get your drawing complete so when we can re-open, your drawing will be done and your appointment then can be set as soon as possible with no wait time for artwork completion. You can use these direct contact methods for your artist:

Caroline: Text info to 732-503-8469 or email to

Tmac: Text your info to 201-879-4796 or email to


Re-Opening and Regulations


COVID-19 Shop Closing