Bailey, Contest, Disease

What do these 3 things have in common? This end of February blog post. Miya Bailey, featured Black History tattoo artist; the dice roll contest photos are posted below and Rare Disease Day. For Rare Disease Day, celebrated on the last day of Feb because 2/29 is the rarest day, Caroline made a video to bring awareness to Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome. EDS is not a rare disease, but people have rarely heard of it. Being a tattoo artist is hard enough on the human body, but to have a debilitating disease on top of the regular stressors makes it that much worse. Caroline is currently working with Jordan of @the_tattooerhealthclub, an occupational therapist creating an exercise routine specifically designed to keep the tattoo artists’ body healthy throughout their careers. A video series on EDS is coming soon.

“Our community is one, but there’s different pockets in it, nd my pocket is the underground, the raw artists, the ones that came from nothing. I like those artists the best...” - MB

Born in 1975, Miya Bailey grew up in Asheville, NC. He has been tattooing for over 25 years and is the owner of Peters Street Station and City of Ink in Atlanta. The former, a multilevel, multi-use art and community space in Castleberry Hill and the latter, a custom tattoo parlor and art gallery originally founded by Miya Bailey, Tuki Carter and Corey Davis in 2006 is also located in Atlanta’s Castleberry Hill Art District." You can learn more about the shop here

Authors of the many articles written about him have referred to him as an illustrator, film producer, painter, celebrity tattoo artist, curator, a visionary, a humanitarian, and an inspiration to all creative professionals here and abroad. He is all those things and more. He is passionate about inspiring young artists to create to their highest potential and encouraging enthusiasts to support living artists by collecting art work from local and as yet unknown creators. You can see his art on IG

Of Peters Street Station, he said, “I love Castleberry Hill; it’s my home, and I’ll do anything for this neighborhood. It’s always been good to me. It got my family out of situations, and I made my income here, so this is where I plant my seed.” You can visit the website

His documentary Color Outside the Lines, features other tattoo artists from around the country. One of the artists featured is Jacci Gresham who was featured in this blog a few weeks ago. Also featured is Tuki Carter with whom he originally opened his Atlanta shop. You can learn more about

You can watch the documentary here Don’t forget to check out his IMDb so you can find his other films as well.

Tattoo Dice Roll

What are the mandatory elements we had to use in our tattoo drawings? Find the post on our socials (FB, IG, tiktok) and comment your answers. Get all the elements and win a t-shirt!


Women’s History Month


Love Art, Flash and Pits