Caroline Evans Caroline Evans

Mother of Modern Tattooing

This weeks’ featured woman in history is Mildred Hull, the mother of modern tattooing. Flash Day is next weds 3/26 and don’t forget about the New England Tattoo Fest that Caroline and Casey will be attending at Mohegan Sun. Also, Spring has sprung! Time to ditch your winter skin care routine and start your spring skin care routine!

“No, it isn’t a handicap to be a woman in the tattooing business.” - MH

New York City, The Bowery, the intersection of Bowery, Chatham Square, and Division Street in the early 20th century.  What would later become New York’s Chinatown was the birthplace of modern tattooing. At the time, the Bowery was home to a whole host of influential artists, who we now know as the founding fathers of the tattoo community, but for Women’s History month, we are going to discuss the mother of modern tattooing.

Born on April 23, 1897 in New York, Millie, as she was known to her friends, begins her story, “Ushered into the world 37 years ago on April 23, on a tough, tenement-choked Hamilton Street, not far from my present establishment, I was a sturdy little urchin from the word go. School never made a hit with me. After attending Transfiguration R. C. Parochial School and Public School 117, I quit cold at the age of 13. I don’t think the authorities shed many tears. They saw very little of me anyway. My resignation made my absence official.”

Millie found work as a burlesque dancer, but soon found out that she could make more money in the circus.  She goes on to explain, “The operator of the tattoo parlor saw an opportunity to bleed me dry financially. I had a few weak spells as a result of the tattooing, but mainly I suffered anemia of the bankroll. The sideshow tout told me I was a sap to be like the other girls. Why, if I’d get tattooed all over I could make $80 a week with the circus, and that would be only the start. The figures made me a trifle dizzy.”

She was completely tattooed with a month by the legendary Charlie Wagner.  She described the experience like this.

“They started with my arms. Two more treatments disposed of my legs as low as my instep. Spaced by days, there followed two applications on my thighs, the operation feeling like a mild burn as long as the needles made contact with my flesh. Then there were four more treatments, delicate, painstaking, on my sides and back. And finally color ran riot on my chest. Was I embarrassed to have these men treat my body? What does a woman do when she visits a doctor?

In the late 1930s, after studying under Charlie Wagner himself, Millie opened her own shop in the Bowery. Her Tattoo Emporium was located at #16 Bowery in the back of a barbershop. It is rumored that tattooing was banned in NYC during that time which could be the reason most tattoo artists set up shop in tiny locations such as a back corner inside other businesses, under stairways and even in horse drawn carriages.  The barber shop where Millie worked was a clean space with a male clientele, the perfect spot for the only woman tattooist in the city.

She became known as the Queen of the Bowery and obviously pushed the boundaries of acceptable female behavior. It is said that she was a member of the infamous Butterfly Club, a group of women (usually prostitutes) that had a butterfly tattoo on their vulva as a symbol of sexual liberation. Knowing the modesty of the times there is no proof, photographic or otherwise to confirm that this club even existed. Other influential and inspiring accomplishments were the mere facts that not only was she a self sufficient, employed woman, she was a talented business owner who ran a very successful business for over 25 years in a tough part of town that catered to the depravity of soldiers and sailors.

This makes her next achievement all the more impressive. In 1936, she was featured on the cover of Family Circle. This was a magazine that provided tips to help the modern housewife to run the home efficiently. In an age where almost all women were housewives, Millie’s fully tattooed body was proudly displayed for the masses, extolling the unprecedented determination to blaze a trail for other women tattooists and for women in general to break down gender barriers in other industries.

Unfortunately, of all her incredible successes, Millie lost her lifelong battle with depression. She committed suicide by poison in a Bowery restaurant in 1947.

New York Times, Aug. 16, 1946

A woman said by the police and by former associates to have been known to countless seafaring men the world over as "Millie Hull the Tattoo Lady" was found dead yesterday in a rest room in the Gladworth Company, Inc., restaurant at 199 Worth Street. Her entire body, with the exception of her face and hands, was covered with Tattooing.

Proprietors of tattooing establishments on the Bowery said "Millie" had been known to them as for a long period as an expert in the tattooing "art," and had worked in a number of tattooing places. Sailors for whom she had wrought designs in the past sought her out when they desired additional tattooing, they said. Occasionally she took summer vacations to work in sideshows.

No one questioned by the police, however, appeared to know any other details about "Millie." On her person was found a savings bank book bearing the name Mildred Lee, but no address, and showing $135 on deposit.

When found lying on the rest room floor by Carmine Cerone, the restaurant manager, "Millie" was wearing a yellow blouse, blue slacks, blue bobby sox and brown and white sport shoes. Beside her, the police said, was a bottle of pills.

The police declared that she had been ill and apparently had died of natural causes. She was believed to be about 50 years old.

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Caroline Evans Caroline Evans

Tattooed Circus Lady

This week’s historical woman is more than just a circus freak. FLASH DAY is March 26, see the new flash below. We donated 2 more $150 gift certificates, this time to Drum Point Elementary PTA for their upcoming May events. Don’t forget the New England Convention is 4 weeks away! Book your Connecticut appointment today!

“It hurt something awful, but it was worth it.” - Betty Broadbent

Sue Lillian Brown, aka Betty Broadbent, was born in Zellwood, FL 11/1/1909.  When she was 14, she met Jack Redcloud on the boardwalk in Atlantic City. She was fascinated by the fact that he was covered in tattoos. This began her interest in tattooing. Redcloud introduced her to his tattoo artist, Charlie Wagner, who, in 1927, along with Tony Rhineagear, Joe Van Hart, and Red Gibbons, began tattooing a 565 piece body suit on her.

She was offered a position in the circus from Wagner’s friend Clyde Ingalls. Not only was Betty the tattooed lady for Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey, but she also performed with Tom Mix as a steer rider. She worked as a tattoo artist in shops from NYC to San Francisco and as far north as Montreal. Her international career began in 1937 when she worked for independent circuses in New Zealand and Australia.

Being a woman in the 1930s with a body full of tattoos she did not embody the traditional views of beauty for women of the time. In 1939, she challenged these views by participating in a beauty pageant at the NY worlds fair. Of the 300 contestants was a large group of women who were fair workers and performers. The theme of the fair that year was “The World of Tomorrow” and the slogan they used was “The Dawn of a New Day.”  Little did they know tattoos would steadily become more and more popular from then on. Another noteworthy fact about that pageant was that it was the first televised beauty pageant.

In a New York Times interview, Betty said of her famous back piece, a spread eagle that covered her back from shoulder to shoulder and took over 6 sessions, “It hurt something awful, but it was worth it.” Other tattoos include the Madonna and child on her back, Charles Lindbergh tattooed her right leg and a tattoo of Pancho Villa on her left leg.

Betty worked in the US until her retirement in 1967. In 1981, she was the first person to be inducted into the Tattoo Hall of Fame and was the most photographed tattooed woman of the 20th century.  While living in Florida, she passed away in her sleep on March 28, 1983.

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Caroline Evans Caroline Evans

Women’s History Month

It’s women’s history month, so we will be featuring notable women in the tattoo industry. Flash day is March 26th. Don’t forget about the New England Tattoo Expo 4/ 11-13 and the answers to the new contest are below!!!

"Before, it was bikers getting the tattoos and 'bad boys.' Now (everybody from) lawyers to sport stars are getting them. The business is growing fast." - Deana Lippens

Deana Lippens opened her tattoo shop, Deana’s Skin Art Studio, in Christmas, FL in 1980. In the mid 1990s, she realized it was time for women to be recognized in the male dominated arena of tattooing. She organized the first Marked for Life Female Tattoo Artist Expo in 1995 with about 20 artists that she knew professionally. By that time, she had been tattooing for 26 years. From there, the expo had grown to over 60 artists and had become international with artists coming from Canada, Scotland, and Europe. 

As with regular conventions, Marked for Life was open to the public and featured tattoo and creative art contests as well as educational seminars on tattoo safety and techniques. This female only convention was groundbreaking because although the industry was becoming more accepting of female artists, there was no school where they could learn tattooing skills. In a 2007 interview with The Ledger, Lippens explained, “It's apprentice only; somebody has to teach you. Guys only taught who they chose. Now it's opened up more."

February Tattoo Paint Roll Contest

The Criteria for these flash designs was 1. Foot, 2. Neo-trad, 3. Water, 4. Snake, 5. Pot Leaf

Each month, our artists create flash designs from criteria chosen by Tattoo Paint Roll dice. Each design will contain a body placement, a tattoo style, and 3 images. The flash designs are posted to Facebook, Instagram, and tiktok. Find the post, comment your answers. One week after posting, the comments are tallied and winners decided. All criteria must be commented in order to win. Winners will receive a Radiant Energy Tattoo t-shirt.

Shore Saves Animal Rescue Fund Raiser Event

Radiant Energy Tattoo donated a $150 gift certificate to this event. Here is the info from their website.

Shore Saves is hosting our 4th annual Rescue Pawlooza, the fundraising event that helps our non-profit rescue dogs from NJ’s overcrowded shelters all year long, on May 10th at Bar Anticipation (Bar A) in Lake Como, NJ.

This 21+, humans-only event is one you don't want to miss! Plus, no matter how you participate, you’ll help us save dogs. This event is our biggest fundraiser of the year. 100% of event proceeds go directly to providing our dogs with shelter, medical care, food, training, and love while we find their forever families.

Email with the number of people in your party and their names. Pay for your tickets via any of the following methods: 

  • Venmo: @shoresaves

  • Paypal: Shore Saves

  • Check: Please mail checks to PO Box 7, Farmingdale, NJ 07727 and be sure to include the names you'd like the tickets reserved under

Ticket price covers admission. Though we'd love for everyone to participate in our epic basket raffle (details below), attendees are not required to do so! We'll have semi-separate spaces for those interested in participating in the raffle and those there to enjoy good company, delicious food, and fun drinks. There is no assigned seating - attendees are free to roam the large event space as they please. 

If you'd like to participate in our basket raffle, you'll need to purchase raffle tickets separately at the event.

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Caroline Evans Caroline Evans

Bailey, Contest, Disease

What do these 3 things have in common? This end of February blog post. Miya Bailey, featured Black History tattoo artist; the dice roll contest photos are posted below and Rare Disease Day. For Rare Disease Day, celebrated on the last day of Feb because 2/29 is the rarest day, Caroline made a video to bring awareness to Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome. EDS is not a rare disease, but people have rarely heard of it. Being a tattoo artist is hard enough on the human body, but to have a debilitating disease on top of the regular stressors makes it that much worse. Caroline is currently working with Jordan of @the_tattooerhealthclub, an occupational therapist creating an exercise routine specifically designed to keep the tattoo artists’ body healthy throughout their careers. A video series on EDS is coming soon.

“Our community is one, but there’s different pockets in it, nd my pocket is the underground, the raw artists, the ones that came from nothing. I like those artists the best...” - MB

Born in 1975, Miya Bailey grew up in Asheville, NC. He has been tattooing for over 25 years and is the owner of Peters Street Station and City of Ink in Atlanta. The former, a multilevel, multi-use art and community space in Castleberry Hill and the latter, a custom tattoo parlor and art gallery originally founded by Miya Bailey, Tuki Carter and Corey Davis in 2006 is also located in Atlanta’s Castleberry Hill Art District." You can learn more about the shop here

Authors of the many articles written about him have referred to him as an illustrator, film producer, painter, celebrity tattoo artist, curator, a visionary, a humanitarian, and an inspiration to all creative professionals here and abroad. He is all those things and more. He is passionate about inspiring young artists to create to their highest potential and encouraging enthusiasts to support living artists by collecting art work from local and as yet unknown creators. You can see his art on IG

Of Peters Street Station, he said, “I love Castleberry Hill; it’s my home, and I’ll do anything for this neighborhood. It’s always been good to me. It got my family out of situations, and I made my income here, so this is where I plant my seed.” You can visit the website

His documentary Color Outside the Lines, features other tattoo artists from around the country. One of the artists featured is Jacci Gresham who was featured in this blog a few weeks ago. Also featured is Tuki Carter with whom he originally opened his Atlanta shop. You can learn more about

You can watch the documentary here Don’t forget to check out his IMDb so you can find his other films as well.

Tattoo Dice Roll

What are the mandatory elements we had to use in our tattoo drawings? Find the post on our socials (FB, IG, tiktok) and comment your answers. Get all the elements and win a t-shirt!

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Caroline Evans Caroline Evans

Love Art, Flash and Pits

Remember Flash Day is Feb 26th, our flash sheets are bleow, on IG & FB and posted in the shop! Mohegan Sun convention is coming up, both Caroline and Casey will be there. We have many more events in the works and new merch coming to the shop soon!

“When we are creating and sharing the gifts of that creativity, we are living in Love. We come closer to God.” - Darnell Waine

Darnell Waine was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. He was very young when he first noticed his artistic ability and loved being creative.  After graduating from high school, he was not interested in art school, he was more attracted to tattooing.  He did not want a regular job, so tattooing was the perfect career choice for him. He believes, “…drawing is the basis of a good tattooer’s abilities. The same principles apply in drawing and tattooing-—you’re just learning a different tool and canvas.”  He has been tattooing for over 15 years and specializes in black & grey realism and illustrative realism.  He loves tattooing portraits.

In an interview with Bethany Scott about his time on Best Ink, he said that the show was an awesome experience. “I like to compare it to a roller coaster ride—ups & downs and you get thrown for a loop from time to time. I definitely learned a lot about myself as an artist and things haven’t quite been the same since the show aired…in a good way, of course. Artistically there were definitely some tough competitors I was going up against. The other artists definitely kept me on my toes and pushed me to really dig deep creatively.”

Although tattooing is how he pays the bills, painting is his passion. And he does dig very deep creatively. This can be seen in his art at AMH Gallery which stands for All My Heart Gallery. Darnell once believed that his purpose in life was to create  art. One day he found his highest purpose was Love. That art was not his greatest purpose, but his greatest tool to fulfill his purpose. Darnell’s art embodies the spirit of love and he shares his art to inspire others to cultivate love from within and share their love with others.

Darnell’s Gallery


Interview with Bethany Scott

WORKSxWAINE interview with VoyageLA

2 Days 4 Pits

Radiant Energy has submitted a $150 gift certificate to Brick City Rescue’s Hardcore for Pits 7 weekend fundraiser. Pre-party, March 1st at Ghost Hawk Brewing Co, 321 River Road in Clifton. On March 2nd doors open 1pm at Crossroads in Garwood, NJ featuring Judge, The Take, Mephiskapheles, The Ice Cold Killers, Damage Done, Kirkby Kiss and Steady Sound System.  Plus Art Auction - Killer Raffles and supply drive (crates (large), dog bowls, food, treats, leashes! Tickets available in IG Bio or

Brick City Rescue Inc (BCR) is dedicated to finding loving, stable homes for all adoptable homeless dogs in NJ with a main focus on Bully Breeds.

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Caroline Evans Caroline Evans

Valentine’s and Pits

Flash Day is February 26th! Our new flash is posted below, it’s never too early to book an appointment….speaking of which, the New England Tattoo Expo is April 11 - 13. Caroline and Casey will both be there! Happy Valentine’s Day, Happy Black History Month!

“While being tattooed, I noticed that there weren’t a lot of people that I felt safe with. And so, I wanted to provide that for Black and brown people within my community.”

Doreen Garner was born in 1986 in Philadelphia, PA.  After graduating from Tyler School of Art at Temple University, she attended Rhode Island School of Design where she earned a Masters of Fine Arts. She attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture after moving to NY in 2014. In 2015, her artist-in-residence at the Henry Street Settlement in downtown Manhattan was the beginning of her many art exhibitions. Her work is comprised of various materials, some found, repurposed, or rescued, that help her to create expressions of black, female physicality and traumatic medical history. Some of these materials include hair braiding and hair weaves; pearls, beads and Swarovski crystals; glass, silicone, Vaseline and condoms.

 In Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, winter of 2018, a pop-up tattoo shop was held every Friday and Saturday. She used this pop-up to create a space for black people to feel welcome within the tattoo culture. She had flash for clients to choose from, or they could create their own designs. In an effort to bring black history into the tattoo culture, she kept a selected list of tattoos for clients who identified as a person of color to receive for free.  She is now Philly based and specializing in Protective Style tattoos. These tattoos incorporate braids, cowrie shells and other symbols of protection.  

She also runs a social commentary podcast with Kenya Robinson called #trashDAY on Clocktower Radio and a tattoo podcast called Mad Pain.

Links to all her endeavors can be found in her link tree in her IG bio here

Brick City Rescue Inc (BCR) is dedicated to finding loving, stable homes for all adoptable homeless dogs in NJ with a main focus on Bully Breeds.

Radiant Energy has submitted a $150 gift certificate to Brick City Rescue’s Hardcore for Pits 7 weekend fundraiser. Pre-party, March 1st at Ghost Hawk Brewing Co, 321 River Road in Clifton with Vic Ruggiero of the Slackers and Lenny Lashley’s Gang of One and Steady Sound System! On March 2nd doors open 1pm at Crossroads in Garwood, NJ featuring Judge, The Take, Mephiskapheles, The Ice Cold Killers, Damage Done, Kirkby Kiss and Steady Sound System.  Plus Art Auction - Killer Raffles and supply drive (crates (large), dog bowls, food, treats, leashes! Tickets available in IG Bio or

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow!!! What last minute gift can you get your lover? A Radiant Energy Tattoo gift certificate! Pay in person, online or over the phone and have gift certificate emailed instantly during business hours 12pm - 8pm.

Flash Day is Feb 26th! See last week’s post for flash sheet photos, or check them out on Instagram or Facebook. It’s never too early to book your flash day appointment!

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Caroline Evans Caroline Evans

Valentine’s & Black History

It’s February, month of Black History, Valentine’s Day and New Flash - see below! We are also looking forward to the next convention, The New England Tattoo Expo at Mohegan Sun! It’s always a good time, but this year will be Casey’s first time! If you are in the area, come out and see her, talk to her, get tattooed by her! Caroline, Casey are taking appointments now!

“Anytime you do anything, it should be an artform.” – Jacci Gresham, AART Accent TattooMake it stand out

Originally a design engineer from Flint, MI, Jacci Gresham moved to New Orleans in search of work and wound up becoming a tattoo artist.  She and friend, Ali Singh, opened Aart Accent Tattoos & Body Piercing in 1976.  At the time, she was one of only five women tattooing in the US and the only one in New Orleans. She is the first black female tattoo artist in America and was honored as a Pioneer of Female Tattoo Artists in 2011.

In the 1970s and before, women were not accepted in tattoo shops unless they were dating/married to one of the artists. So, when Jacci opened her tiny shop, only the 3rd shop in New Orleans, with no experience and no tattoos on her body, you’d have thought it was destined to fail. But it was the other two shops that wound up closing, making hers the oldest continuous tattoo shop in New Orleans and it is still open today!

In an interview with Sabrina Stone in Very Local, Jacci spoke about the art of tattooing.

“When I first started tattooing, artists didn’t seem to be too enthusiastic about the art part. They were enthusiastic about making the money. A rose would be red and green and that was it. When I got into business, I put about five colors into a rose. I would highlight it with pink and a little yellow in the center. The stem would be green highlighted with yellow. Tattooing is, can be, should be, an artform. Anytime you do anything, it should be an artform.”

And about how female artists are changing the industry.

“A lot of times, being a woman and you’re working with guys (or even other women), they’ll be picky. They’ll do unnecessary picking, not adding creative thoughts. Back then, women didn’t tattoo too often, and in my experience, women are more caring, they’re more particular. They want to get it right, so it’s changing things. In the era that I came through, half the people, they just did tattooing for money.”

Read the article here.


Radiant Energy has submitted a $150 gift certificate to the Pittie Project’s Love for Pitties Valentine’s Day Bash. While this event is sold out, we will be donating gift certificates to other charities throughout the year!  In the mean time, you can donate directly through their website.

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Caroline Evans Caroline Evans

January Wrap Up!

While January can never compete with the excitement of December, the Philly convention, Flash Day and a new contest gave it their best shot!

The Philly Convention

Caroline, Melanie and @DrizzyEmpBoy attended the Philly Convention Jan 24th thru 26th ! There have been some bumps along the way, but Caroline and Melanie persevered and learned that they work really well together! Youtube video coming soon, but on tiktok you can check out all the folks in the tattoo family that Caroline saw that weekend!

Dice Roll Game

Our new contest will begin next month, but you can find our practice run on all the socials this month!  Try and guess the criteria for the Dice Roll Tattoos. Remember, this is actual tattoo flash available for anyone who wants these images forever. Plus, it’s a fun way to interact with your tattoo artist and possibly win a free t-shirt.

This month’s criteria was 1. Foot, 2. Blackwork, 3. Wing, 4. Snake

Flash Day is Feb 26th!

Our new flash will be posted here next week! It will also be posted on the socials and the front desk in the shop.

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Caroline Evans Caroline Evans

Philly, Flash and Feel It!

Philly Convention this weekend!

Caroline, Melanie, Bobby and @DrizzyEmpBoy are at the Philly Convention Jan 24th thru 26th! There have been some bumps along the way, but that won’t stop ‘em! They are geared up for a great weekend and can’t wait to see you! So, stop by and see them even if you are not getting tattooed! Call/text for appt 732-503-8469, or just walk up to the booth! For more info about the convention visit 

Flash Day is Jan 29th!

Speaking of available appointments, there are still some Flash Day Jan 29th appointments available too. Check out the January Flash below in the Jan 9th blog post and make your appointment now!

All the Feels

Recently the world became aware of a 45 year old influencer, Ricardo Godoi, who tragically died of cardiac arrest while being administered anesthesia for a large back tattoo. While police are still investigating, Godoi’s family, friends and followers are mourning his untimely and unnecessary death.

Apparently, it’s becoming a trend for the insanely rich to go under anesthesia for large scale tattoos. As seen in multiple videos posted to tiktok by artist Joaquin Ganga. It cuts hours and hours off multi session tattoos, reducing weeks and months of work down to one 8 hour session with as many as six artists working at once. Oh, and they say it’s pain free.

Now, a lot of us die hards are going to ask…If it’s pain free, what’s the point? Your tattoo is no longer a symbol of your ability to endure, a badge of dedication that transcends agony and suffering.  It is minimized to the extent that it becomes the equivalent of changing your clothes.

In an article written by Chloe Nordquist in Scripps News Life, Dr. John Baer, DO, an anesthesiologist and chair of anesthesia at Swedish Medical Center in Colorado said, “Back in the 1940s it was about 1 in 1,000 people would die from anesthesia, now that number is closer to 1 in 100,000. Anesthesia is really a lot more complicated than just flipping a switch like turning off a light, but those who have the money, the fame, they will find the places they can get this safely done, but still there’s always that inherent risk.”

The risks are laid out by many medical websites, such as the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Yale Medicine, but this is what the American Society of Anesthesiologists says.

“Surgery and anesthesia are safer today than ever before, thanks to continuing advances in science. But this doesn’t mean there is zero risk. In fact, surgery and anesthesia are inherently dangerous, and as with any medication or procedure, there is always the chance that something can go wrong. Certain patients are more likely to experience problems or complications and possibly even death than others because of their age, medical conditions, or the type of surgery they’re having.”

Anesthesia is safer today than ever before, right? Plus, you are not subjecting your body to multiple sessions of torture.

“The whole picture is done, you don't have to come back multiple times, and I can see how somebody might see some value in that,” Dr. Baer does think this process could generate more interest. However, right now, it’s mainly for celebrities and the wealthy with a price point of somewhere around $40,000.

 Ben Shaw with the Alliance of Professional Tattooists, who has been tattooing for 23 years, said, “You have to go through it to get to it. You have to go through the pain to get the reward of a tattoo. So, when you see someone who is heavily tattooed, you know they can withstand pain, they know how to commit to something.”

I get it, you don’t have the time or energy to get a tattoo the right way.  Has cutting corners ever made anything better? No, and you can die from it.

While surgery and tattooing are not the same, getting a tattoo does cause trauma to the body.  Your body still needs time to heal and it will tell you when it has had enough. Will you be able to hear it if you are knocked out?

And what would this mean for other tattoo artists, who don’t surrender to this reckless speed tattooing trend?

“If there’s some negative things that come about from this, it will reflect poorly upon us professionals who are trying to do it safely, moderately,” said Shaw.

“If there isn't an appropriate medical staff that is around to take care of those types of situations, then that's something that can become an even bigger concern of ours,” said Mick O’Herien, the vice president at the Alliance of Professional Tattooists.

If you are curious or concerned about this type of procedure, talk to your tattoo artist about it. The cost alone may be a detriment for the majority of tattoo enthusiasts, but finding a tattoo artist willing to be involved may be another.

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Caroline Evans Caroline Evans

Flash Day, New Contest, and Boots, oh my!

There are still a few spots left for the Philly Convention Jan 24th thru 26th!  Caroline will be assisted by Melanie, and sharing the booth with shopmate Bobby and @DrizzyEmpBoy.  Stop by and see them even if you are not getting tattooed! Call/text for appt 732-503-8469, for more info about the convention visit 


Speaking of available appointments, there are still some Flash Day Jan 29th appointments available too. Check out the January Flash below and make your appointment now! Call/text 732-503-8469

New Contest!

Every month our artists draw a tattoo based on criteria from a roll of the dice, Tattoo Paint Roll dice. The pictures will be posted across all social media channels (FB, IG, tiktok, YT) and we are asking for your critiques! You will need to figure out what the criteria is and ensure that all artists’ tattoos incorporate the correct criteria. Winners will receive a free t-shirt.  Your critique can be as simple or as nuanced as you feel each tattoo requires. Sample critiques can be found here

Custom Boots!

Caroline finished the latest commission for a pair of custom hand painted boots! In addition to tattooing, running a business and sitting on various industry boards, she hand paints boots, purses, shoes, jackets, etc.  If you are interested, you can find more information here

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