January 2025 is underway!

We have gotten some of the new and exciting things going and some are still in the works. We’ve started our morning stretches and will be doing a video series on the importance of keeping our bodies stretched, strengthened and moving.  The new contest is still in the works and will be ready to roll in the coming weeks. But now, lets talk about Flash Day 1/29 and the Philly Convention 1/24 – 26.

Flash Day Jan 29th

The new Flash Day flash is featured below. These images are offered at a discounted price one day only, arms and legs only, about 3”x 3.5” depending on image. View the flash sheets below. Call/text 732-503-8469 to book an appointment, or walk in.


Caroline will be bringing all the t-shirts that we’ve had for sale in the shop to the convention. We need to make room for all the new merch that will be arriving soon, so grab your last minute merch now before it’s gone forever!

Also, if you are a client who lives in the western NJ, PA area and are looking to get a tattoo by Caroline or Bobby, call/text the shop and make you appointment before all the spots are gone. Shop 732-503-8469, for more info about the convention visit https://villainarts.com/tattoo-conventions-villain-arts/philadelphia-tattoo-arts-convention/


Flash Day, New Contest, and Boots, oh my!


Looking Back at 2024